Booking.com launched a free business platform a few years ago for frequent business travelers and anyone who books business trips for others. Meanwhile, Booking.com for Business has a large number of business users, but not all users make optimal use of all features. In an outbound call campaign with SalesQ, users were informed about the most helpful features that make booking business trips even easier and faster. The results were good and the use of the platform in the countries where SalesQ called increased by 30%. It concerned the Netherlands, France, England and Spain.
Challenges and objectives
The goal was to increase the use of the Booking for Business platform by 20%. That was not easy because not all companies have a clear division of tasks when it comes to booking travel. It was also a great challenge to roll out this initiative in several countries.
How has SalesQ helped your company?
“SalesQ's agents asked about how to use the account and explained how customers can use the features to their advantage. For a telemarketing agency, this is a fairly intensive approach that requires a lot of knowledge of the product. We also selected SalesQ on this basis.”
Results, ROI and future plans
Booking.com does everything based on statistics, so after this extensive AB test in which 3800 companies were approached, the data intelligence department got to work. The conclusions were clear. The number of customers using the platform increased by 30% compared to the group that was not contacted by telephone.
SalesQ about Booking.com
It is a real honor to work with a company like Booking.com and we notice that agents also find it fun and interesting. It was quite a substantive campaign in various languages, but the fast and flexible way of working with the team at Booking.com certainly leaves you wanting more. Although it is a large company, it feels like you are doing business with a start-up. Very nice!
In our search we were pointed to SalesQ 'via via'. SalesQ maintains high quality when it comes to the agents. They also spend a lot of time developing the story. Together with that good reference, our choice for SalesQ was quickly made.

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